Essential Stretches For Runners and Cyclists

Stretches and foam rolling to maintain muscles length is crucial to optimise performance.

When our muscles is too tight, it is impossible to contract your muscles to create force and power to run or cycle. It is vital that all cyclist and runners have a regular stretch and foam rolling routine to help keep their lower leg muscles loose and injury free.

In Capital Physiotherapy, we have created a simple and easy to follow stretch/ foam rolling routine that we gave to all our runners and cyclist clients. This routine when done on a regular basis have shown significant improvement to their performance.

Studies have shown that foam rolling after exercises can significantly increase joint range of motion and reduce muscles soreness after a intense workout.

Feeling tight is related to muscle tone, while actually being tight is related to your muscle tissues physically becoming shorter.

In this video we like to show all viewer on how to stretch all 6 muscles group that are vital for activities such as running and cycling. These muscles are mainly lower leg muscles such as the:
1) Calves muscles
2) Shin muscles
3) Quads muscles
4) IT band
5) Gluteals muscles (glute muscles)
6) Hamstring muscles

Hope that through this video, viewer can gain a better understanding on the importance of regular stretches and foam rolling to prevent potential injuries and allowing them the keep up with the activities that they love doing 🙂

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