Sciatica Fix Without Surgery (Piriformis Syndrome) Part 3

Are you suffering from sciatica? How to get rid of your sciatica without going through surgery?


Sciatica is really a symptom not a diagnosis, it’s a symptom where your sciatic nerve is being compressed leading to pain radiating almost anywhere along the nerve pathway, but it’s especially likely to follow a path from your low back to your buttock and the back of your thigh and calf.

To fix your sciatica symptoms you then first need to figure out what is causing your body to be compressing on the nerve itself.

There are 3 common reasons and today we will be sharing one of the most common reasons which is piriformis syndrome.

Piriformis muscle is a small muscle located deep in the buttock. For most people these muscles run in front of our sciatic nerve but for some the sciatic nerve actually runs through the muscles. Either way if this particular muscle becomes really tight it will then compress on your sciatic nerve which leads to all the pain and symptoms that you might be experiencing right now!

capital physiotherapy piriformis muscle sciatic nerve diagram

Some common aggravating factor if you do have a piriformis syndrome is that you will feel your sciatica symptom get worse when you:

  • Pain when walking up stairs or inclines
  • Increased pain after prolonged sitting
  • Heavy lifting
  • Prolong sitting, walking or running

Basically anything that increases the load on your spine as it will compress your spine more which leads to increased compressive pressure on the nerve which in turn increases your pain.

If you most likely won’t require surgery if you do have piriformis syndrome that is causing your sciatica, give these exercises a try and see if it will relieve your sciatica pain.

Sciatica Exercise 

If you want to avoid surgery, give these exercises a try and see if it will relieve your sciatica pain.

  1. Piriformis stretch
  2. Pigeon stretch
  3. Spikey ball on piriformis
  4. Glute bridges


“Remember these exercise will only be beneficial for you if the cause of your sciatica is indeed  from spinal degeneration, if the cause of your sciatica is from herniated disc  or tight hip muscles that is compressing on the sciatic nerve then you will have a very different symptoms and you might find some of these exercise aggravates your pain instead of relieving them. “

If you are experiencing more pain while doing these exercises make sure you stop. We do have other videos/blogs that talk about sciatica that explore more about what exercises you should do if your sciatica is caused by degeneration of the spine &/or herniated disc. So make sure you check them out!

Keeping in mind these exercises are of general nature and do not take your injuries/history into considerations. In order to fully rehab your condition/ discomfort you will still need to continue to progress to harder and more functional strengthening exercises that are specifically tailored for you,  in order to feel pain free.

Here at Capital Physiotherapy, our physiotherapists are the experts in helping you to fix your issues as well as all the discomfort that comes with it!

We can help you lead a healthier and pain free lifestyle. 

Our physiotherapist will be able to give a full assessment on you and come out with individualised advice/ treatment plan that is tailored for your particular needs.

At Capital Physiotherapy, your initial appointment is 40-60minutes long. This allows our physios to be thorough in their assessment, as well as giving them enough time to give you treatment on the same consultation! 

For any physiotherapy related concerns drop us an email or make an appointment through our booking system!  

You will find us at any of our clinics near you:

Additional Information:

We also provide Telehealth Consultation for your safety and convenience during this pandemic.