How to Fix Flat Feet or Flatten Arch

Are you experiencing pain and discomfort in your arch of your foot due to your flat feet issues?

Here are some of the more common causes of flat feet.

  • Obesity
  • Injury to your foot or ankle
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Aging
  • Diabetes

Although there are many more causes of flat feet the more common cause that we see in our clinic are people who generally have past foot and ankle injuries which do not have a proper rehabilitation program in the past.

In this video I’ll show you some of the more common exercises that we start out with for people who are suffering from pain due in their feet and ankle.

Keeping in mind these stretches are just the basic exercises that we start off with to fully fix your foot discomfort you will still need to continue to progress to harder and more functional strengthening exercises in order to feel pain free while working. You will also need to find out the root cause of the issue to fundamentally fix it once and for all.

Here at Capital Physiotherapy, our physiotherapists are the experts in helping you to fix your foot issues as well as all the discomfort that comes with it!

We can help you lead a healthier and pain free lifestyle. 

Our physiotherapist will be able to give a full foot assessment on you and come out with individualised advice/ treatment plan that is tailored for your particular needs.

At Capital Physiotherapy, your initial appointment is 40-60minutes long. This allows our physios to be thorough in their assessment, as well as giving them enough time to give you treatment on the same consultation! 

For physiotherapy concerns, drop by our Footscray clinic or visit us at any of our clinics near you. You can book online for appointment. We provide Telehealth Consultation for your safety and convenience during this pandemic.